Bible Lessons C – Index
Cain and Abel Bible Lesson – Creativity Elements of Design Bible Lessons – Complete Bible lessons for children including opening activities, interactive lessons, Bible crafts, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games. Use these lessons for children from kindergarten through fifth grade.

Cain and Abel Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Sin separates us from God. Sin requires punishment, but God is a kind and loving God who forgives us and restores our relationship with him if we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness.

Characteristics of God
Following in His Footsteps
Children learn that Jesus is our example – by following in his steps, they will become more and more like Him.

Characteristics of God
Snowflakes – God is in Control
Children learn that God is in control of everything. We don’t have to be afraid because God has a plan for our lives. He wants us to follow him.

Christmas, The Best Gift of All Bible Lesson for Children
When we receive our gifts at Christmas, the happiness we feel doesn’t last very long. There is only one perfect gift that will never disappoint us – the gift of salvation through Jesus.

Christmas, *The Best Gift of All Bible Lesson for Kids
The joy and satisfaction we feel when we receive our gifts at Christmas are only temporary. There is only one perfect gift that will never disappoint us — the gift of salvation through Jesus.

Christmas, The Best News Ever Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn about the best news that was ever told–the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
Christmas (Series)
The Christmas Story Tree
A series of five lessons that tell the story of Jesus’ birth.

Christmas, God’s Wonderful Gift Bible Lesson for Sunday School
God gave us a wonderful gift by sending Jesus because he loved us very much. We also give gifts to others to show them how much we care about them.
Christmas, God’s Wonderful Gifts Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn to appreciate all the wonderful gifts God has given them and that every good and perfect gift comes from God.
Christmas, Greedy Petie Bible Lesson
Children learn about greed and how it affects their lives. They learn that Jesus wants them to be happy and thankful for what they have been given.
Christmas, Happy Birthday Jesus Sunday School Lesson
Christmas is Jesus’ Birthday. Children learn that it makes Jesus sad when we forget about him on his special day. They also learn how they can make this day special for him.

Christmas, Jesus Lights Up My Life Sunday School Lesson
Children learn why Jesus described himself as the “Light of the World,” how Jesus lights up our lives, and how we can be a light to others.
Christmas, King of Kings Bible Lesson for Kids
Jesus is the King of Kings. He didn’t live like a king but proved how much he loved us by becoming like us and dying for us so that we could join him in his kingdom.
Christmas, *King of Kings Bible Lesson
Jesus is the King of Kings. He isn’t like earthly kings; he rules our hearts. Children learn how they can become part of the kingdom of God.
Christmas, Ordinary Baby, Extraordinary Gift Lesson
“Ordinary Baby Extraordinary Gift,” tells the story of Christmas from the beginning when God walked with man and had a plan to send an ordinary baby that would save him from sin and restore their relationship with him.
Christmas, Ring the Bells Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children learn about bells and how they are used to convey messages, especially how they are used in the church and at Christmas time to give praise to God and tell others the good news about Jesus’ birth.

Christmas, Shine Bible Lesson Bible Lesson for Children
Jesus is the light of the world. He lights up our lives so we can shine. In this lesson, children learn how to let their light shine.

Christmas, Whose Birthday is it Anyway? Bible Lesson
Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Since it’s his birthday, we should be giving him gifts. Children learn what kinds of gifts Jesus likes to receive.
Christmas, *Whose Birthday is it Anyway? Bible Lesson
Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Since it is his birthday, we should be giving him gifts. Children learn what kinds of gifts Jesus likes to receive.

Christmas, *Wise Men Search for Jesus Bible Lesson
The wise men gave gifts to Jesus to honor him. We can also give gifts to Jesus today to show him how much we love him.

Christmas, Wise Men Still Seek Him Bible Lesson
Wise men still seek him, listen to him, obey him, and worship him.
The Creation Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children learn that God spent six days creating the moon and the stars and everything on the earth

Creation of Man, Snowman Bible Lesson
The teacher and children pretend to make a big snowman and then compare God’s creation of man to making a snowman.
Creation, God Created the Dinosaurs Bible Lesson
The only book we can depend on to be true is the Bible. We should be aware of what the Bible teaches about dinosaurs and compare it to what scientists say about them.
Creation Day, Lessons For Kids Series Day 1 – 6
A series of seven lessons that tell how God created the world and all of its inhabitants.

Creation, God Made Me Bible Lessons for Kids
This series of lessons is designed for children four years through first grade. In each lesson, your children will work on pages from a book.

Creativity Elements of Design Art Lessons For Children
A series of six lessons that teach about artistic design and the great designer.