Bible Lessons B – Index
Babel and Noah’s Ark Bible Lesson – Burdens Bible Lesson – Complete Bible lessons for children including opening activities, interactive lessons, Bible crafts, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games. Use these lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade.

Babel and Noah – Wise and Foolish Builders
When we listen to God and follow His commands we will be rewarded for our obedience, but if we don’t listen to God and do what we want instead, we will suffer the consequences.

Babel – Tower of, Bible Lesson for Children
Through the story of the Tower of Babel, children learn that God wants them to glorify him not themselves.

*Back to School Bible Lesson for Children
We need to be prepared for school so that we will be successful. Not only do we need the right clothes and supplies, but we need to prepare our hearts and minds.
Back to School Bible Lesson for Older Children
In this lesson, children learn that we need to be prepared for school so that we will be successful. Not only do we need the right clothes and supplies, but we need to prepare our hearts and minds.

Backyard Bug Club Bible Lesson Series with Bug Theme
A series of seven lessons about bugs designed to teach children about bugs and relate them to Bible truths.

Balaam Bible Lesson for Sunday School
In Bible times, God talked to people in extraordinary ways. God still talks to us today through the Bible, our conscience, nature, ministers, music, friends, and family.
Beatitudes – Flowers Bible Lessons for Sunday School
Set of eight Bible lessons about the Beatitudes using popular flowers to emphasize each of the Beatitudes.

Beatitudes – Recipe Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
The happiness the world offers doesn’t last very long, but true happiness comes from God and obeying his words.
Bible – Where’s the Map Bible Lesson for Kids
In this Bible lesson, children learn that the Bible is our map leading us to Jesus and eternal life.
Bible – The Holy Bible Lesson for Children
The Bible is a special book. Children learn how the Bible consists of many books written by many different people and is inspired by God.
Body of Christ Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
In this lesson, children learn that God made them just like he wanted them to be. They are all important to God and have an important job to further the work of the church.
Bug Buddies Studies Bible Lesson for Children
Biblical Bug Study for backyard Bible clubs, summer camps, and home-school use. Children learn more about insects and bugs and teach Bible truths.

Builders – Wise and Foolish Bible Lessons for Children
A series of five lessons about wise and foolish builders in the bible.

Burdens – Bear One Anothers’ Burdens Bible Lesson
Through the story of Jesus healing the paralytic children learn what it means to “bear one another’s burdens”, and how Jesus bore our burdens by dying on the cross. He took on all our sins so we might be forgiven.