Bible Lessons D – Index
David and Jonathan Bible Lesson – Jesus Calls Philip Bible Lesson – Interactive Bible lessons for children of all ages including printable Bible verse cards, opening activities for early arrivals, interactive Bible lessons, Bible crafts that support the lesson, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games.

David and Jonathan – Giving Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn from David and Jonathan how to be good friends. Good friends show their love for each other by giving. They can give them things, but they can also give them love, understanding, forgiveness, time, and kind words

David Takes a Dare Sunday School Bible Lesson
Children learn that God is stronger than anything or anyone, and David had God on his side. God helped David fight the giant, and he will help you too.

David and Mephibosheth Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn that God called David “A man after my own heart.” David shows kindness, keeps his promise, and doesn’t hold grudges.

Daniel Makes a Good Choice Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children learn about Daniel and how he chose to do the right thing and not give in to the pressures around him.

Daniel Prayed Sunday School Bible Lesson
Children learn that Daniel became wise and courageous by learning to know God through prayer. They learn that God will help them do the right thing if they ask him to.

Daniel Shows Courage Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
We don’t have to be afraid because God is watching over us and he will help us overcome our fears.

In the News, Daniel in the Lions Den Bible Lesson
Children explore what it might have been like to be an eyewitness to the events experienced by Daniel when he was arrested and thrown into the lion’s den

Scaredy Cat, Daniel Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children learn about how to overcome fear through this make-believe story about a little, scaredy-cat lion that meets Daniel in the lion’s den.

*The Twelve Disciples Bible Lesson for Older Children
Jesus had twelve disciples. You can be a disciple too. He wants us to tell others about Him and make disciples among the nations.

Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael Bible Lesson for Children
Jesus knows where we are at all times. Philip realized that he had found the Messiah because he had read about him in the scriptures. We can find Jesus by studying his words in the scriptures.