N Bible Lessons

Bible Lessons N – Index

Naaman Bible Craft – Noah, God Keeps His Promises Bible Lesson  – Including complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games.

Naaman Bible Craft

Naaman Washes Seven Times Bible Printable Craft Pattern

Naaman washes seven times Bible craft

What's in a Name? God's Names Bible Lesson

Names – Names of God Bible Lesson for Children

Children learn some of the names used to describe God and what it means to “take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

Nehemiah Bible Lesson

Nehemiah – Nehemiah Helps Bible Lesson Bible Lesson

Children learn, through Nehemiah’s example, how they can help others who are in need.

Making Changes New Years Bible Lesson

New Year – Making Changes Bible Lesson For Children’s Ministry

Children learn that it is very hard to change without God’s help and that changing for the good is a daily process in which we learn to trust God and grow to be like him through regular prayer, meditation, and Bible study.

Making Changes New Years Bible Lesson

*New Year – All Things New! Children’s Bible Lesson

Children learn that New Year is a time when people begin anew by making changes in their lives, but we don’t have to wait for the new year to be renewed. God can renew our minds, spirit, and strength every day of the year.

Noah Obeys God Bible Lesson

Noah – Noah Obeys God Bible Lesson for Sunday School

Children learn God loved Noah very much. He was a good man and did everything God told him to do exactly as he told him. With God’s help, we can obey like Noah.

God Keeps Noah Safe Bible Lesson

Noah – God Keeps Noah Safe Bible Lesson for Children

Children learn God remembered Noah and the animals and kept them safe in the ark. God remembers us and will bless us.

Noah - God Keeps His Promises

Noah – God Keeps His Promises Bible Lesson for Kids

Children learn how God took care of Noah and all the animals in the ark. God always keeps his promises.