T Bible Lessons

Bible Lessons T – Index

Ten Commandments Bible Lessons – Tower of Babel Bible Lesson  – Complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, active Bible games, and Bible lesson review games for children’s ministry and Sunday School.

Ten Commandments Bible Lesson

*The Ten Commandments Bible Lesson for Sunday School

Children learn that God gave us the Ten Commandments because he loves us and wants us to be happy and live a long life.

Ten commandments - Moses Bible Lesson

Ten Commandments
Moses Bible Lesson for Kids

Children learn that God gave us the Ten Commandments because he loves us and wants us to be happy and live a long life.

God's Rules - The Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments Rules Bible Lesson for Kids

Children learn that God gave us the Ten Commandments and other rules because he loves us and wants us to be happy and live a long life.

Beat the Greedies Bible Lesson

Thanksgiving Beat the Greedies Thankfulness Bible Lesson

Children learn about greed and how it affects their lives. They learn that Jesus wants them to be happy and thankful for what they have been given.

Going to America Bible Lesson

Going to America Bible Lesson

Children learn about the pilgrims and how God helped them get to America where they were free to worship God as they thought they should.

Watchdog Bible Lessons

Tongue Watchdog Bible Lesson Series for Children

This page is a list of the watchdog lessons.

Tower of Babel Sunday School Lesson

*Tower of Babel Bible Lesson for Kids

Children learn that God wants them to glorify him not themselves.

Wise and Foolish Builders - Noah and Babel

Tower of Babel Wise and Foolish Builders Noah and Babel Bible Lesson for Children

Children learn more about wisdom and how they can gain wisdom through the examples of more wise and foolish builders.