Bible Lessons P – Index
Parables Bible Lessons – Psalms 139, You Are Here Bible Lesson – Complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, active Bible games, and Bible lesson review games for children’s ministry and Sunday School.

Parables – Lessons About Parables Bible Lesson for Kids
This page is a list of lessons about parables.

Paul – Life of Paul 1 – Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn about Paul’s early years and how God used him to do his work even though he was working against Christianity.

Paul – Live of Paul 2 Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children learn Paul became a light to the world leading many people to Christ. Jesus also wants us to be a light to the world.

Paul – Life of Paul 3 Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
Children learn about Paul’s life, and how he was called to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. He found that everything he suffered for Christ was well worth the pain compared to the joy he felt in serving God.

Paul – Some Very Important Letters Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn about Paul and some very important letters he wrote. Paul’s letters were not only written for the people of his time but were written for people today.

Paul – Paul and Silas Rejoice Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn that no matter what happens we should praise the Lord. God can use bad situations to do good things.

Peace – Isaac Keeps the Peace Bible Lesson
Children learn, through Isaac’s example, that God wants us to live in peace whenever possible.

Pentecost Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children learn Jesus went away to live with God, but he didn’t leave us alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us, guide us, and teach us.

Peter – Jesus is the Christ Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn who Jesus is, that He is Special, unlike any earthly man: He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Peter – Peter Heals the Lame Man Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn Peter received the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and began feeding Jesus’ sheep. The Holy Spirit gives us the power and courage to serve others and follow him.

Peter Find a Coin in a Fishes Mouth Bible Lesson
Children learn through Jesus’ example to consider other people’s feelings before doing something.

Peter – What Color Are You! – Denies Christ Bible Lesson
Children learn to stand up for Jesus no matter what the cost.

Philip – Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael Bible Lesson
Children learns Jesus knows where we are at all times. We can find Jesus by studying his words in the scriptures.

Philip Explains the Scriptures to the Ethiopian Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn there are many ways God speaks to us, if we learn to listen and obey our faithfulness will be rewarded.

Pharisees – Do the Right Thing Bible Lesson
Children learn that it is not only important to do the right thing but to do it for the right reason.

Prayer – Call on God Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Children will learn that praying to God is a lot like talking to a friend on the telephone.

Prayer – Don’t Worry – Prayer Bear Bible Lesson
Children learn that you don’t have to worry because God is just a prayer away. God will always listen to your prayers, and he cares about you and loves you.

Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer 1 Bible Lesson
Children learn that through prayer we can speak directly to God.

Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer 2 Bible Lesson
Children learn that through prayer we can speak directly to God.

*Prodigal Son – Older Children’s Lesson
Children learn that God is a loving and forgiving God. He is sad when we do wrong and turn away from him, but he never rejects us and anxiously waits for our return.

Prodigal Son – The Big Mistake Bible Lesson
Children learn that God is a kind and forgiving God. He loves us no matter what we do and forgives us when we come to him and say we are sorry.

Psalm 139 – God Knows Me Bible Lesson
Children learn God knows you personally. He knows when you sit down and when you get up, and what you are thinking and what you are going to say before you even say it.

Psalm 139 – You Are There Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn God is with you wherever you go. You cannot hide from God.