Moses Bible Lessons

Moses – You Can Do Important Things!
Children will learn that even though they are young, they are still important to God. God loves them very much, and he can use them to do great things.

Moses – God is Always With Us! Lesson
Children learn God is always with us. He made us and knew us before we were born.

Moses – Burning Bush Bible Lesson
Children learn you don’t have to be strong, smart, talk well, or be courageous to be used by God. God reveals his power through our weaknesses.

Moses – Plagues of Egypt Lesson
Children learn God helped the Israelites. He heard their cries and helped them escape from Egypt. God knows when you are in need and will help you.

Moses – Crossing the Red Sea Lesson
Children learn God led the Israelites to safety and freedom. He leads us through his word and prayer.

Miriam Praises God Bible Lesson
God led the Israelites to safety and freedom. He leads us through his word and prayer.

Children learn God wants us to be happy with what we have. He provides for all our needs. He wants us to be thankful for everything he gives us.

God Gives Us Families – Moses’ Family
Children learn that God gives us families to help us, protect us, and teach us. Sometimes we don’t get along, but we can learn from our mistakes.

*The Ten Commandments Bible Lesson
Children learn that God gave us the Ten Commandments because he loves us and wants us to be happy and live a long life.

The Ten Commandments – God Gives Us Rules
Children learn that God gave us the Ten Commandments and other rules because he loves us and wants us to be happy and live a long life.

*Ten Commandments Bible Lesson
Children learn that God gave us the Ten Commandments because he loves us and wants us to be happy and live a long life.

Moses Strikes a Rock Bible Lesson
Children learn from Moses’ example that it is important to control your emotions so that in your anger you do not sin.