Bible Lessons M – Index
Manners Matter Bible Lesson – Mothers Are Important Too Bible Lesson – Including complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games.

Manners Matter Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn manners are important. They show others that we love and respect them. Rules of etiquette are important but change according to the circumstances and times, but God’s rules never change.

Martin Luther King Jr. Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn about the power of God’s words and how Martin Luther King, Jr. used words to change a bad situation.

Martin’s Big Words Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn about the power of God’s words and how Martin Luther King, Jr. used words to change a bad situation.

Mary and Martha – Do the Right Thing Bible Lesson
Children learn that sometimes doing the right thing is not always the right thing to do if you do it at the wrong time.

Miracles – Bible Lessons About Miracles Bible Lesson
This page lists all of the lessons about miracles.

Mother – In Celebration of Mother’s Day Bible Lesson
Using Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as a biblical example, this lesson is designed to help children feel gratitude to our Father in Heaven for their Mothers.

Mother – How to Say I Love You Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn what it means to love someone and how to express their love to their mothers.

Mothers – Mothers Are Important Too Bible Lesson
Mother’s Day is a great day to think about and review some of the mothers in the Bible who played important roles in this great story.