Bible Lessons J – Index
Jacob – Joseph and God’s Promise Bible Lesson – Joy, Spread the Joy Bible Lesson – Complete Bible lessons for Sunday School including opening activities, interactive lessons, Bible crafts, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games. Use these lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade.

Jacob – Joseph and God’s Promise Bible Lesson
Children learn about Joseph and his family and how God used Joseph to keep his promise to Abraham, his great-grandfather. They learn that God can take bad things and make good things happen.
![Forgiveness - a Father's Day Lesson for Sunday School and Children's Ministry, Including Bible Crafts, Games, songs, and Bible Verse Review Activities, Bible Verse:
"Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37b, Scripture Reference:
Genesis 37 - 50 Genesis 37: 3 - "Now Israel [Jacob] loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age..."Fathers Day I Will Forgive Necklace, Joseph and His Brothers Craft and Activity Sheet, Jacob's Sons Folding Craft Stick Craft, Jacob's Sons Stick Puppets or Fan-folded Craft, Read a Book Hop on Pop (Younger Children), Guess Who" Joseph and his brothers review game, Jacob's Sons cards Match Game, Weighed Down by Unforgiveness Object Lesson,,,,, danielsplace,com,,,,](
*Jacob – Forgiveness – Jacob and Joseph Bible Lesson
Through Jacob’s example, children learn to feel gratitude to our Father in Heaven for His great love for us and to our earthly fathers for their love and sacrifices and to teach the children the importance of forgiveness.

Jeremiah – The Potter and the Clay Bible Lesson
God is like the potter and we are like the clay. he has complete control of our lives. God can choose to do what he wants with us.

Jesus – Follow Jesus’ Example Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn about the whooping crane and that scientists are trying to save the birds They also learn that God sent Jesus to save us, and we should follow his example.

Jesus – Let the Son Shine Through Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn how they can let Jesus’ love shine through them by saying helpful, kind words, and not saying mean or hurtful words. They learn how their words affect others and their relationship with God.

Jesus – Monkey See, Monkey Do Sunday School Lessons
When it comes to copying what we see, Jesus gives us the best example. Children learn Jesus wept for people who were sad, and that they should also feel empathy for others.

Jesus is the Christ Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
Children learn who Jesus is, that He is Special, unlike any earthly man: He is the Christ the Son of the Living God.

Jesus – Run for Jesus Bible Lesson for Children
Runners have coaches that teach them how to win a race. Jesus is our coach. We learn from him how we should live.

Jesus – I Am the Vine Bible Lesson for Kids
If we stay connected to Jesus, we will glorify God by becoming more like Jesus.

Jesus – Philip and Nathanael Meets Jesus Bible Lesson
Two crown crafts to review the story of Philip and Nathanael meeting Jesus.

Jesus Has Time for Me Bible Lesson
Jesus was a very important person and had a lot to do, but he always made time for children and he always has time for children today.

Jesus Never Changes Bible Lesson
Sometimes changes are exciting and sometimes scary, but children can be comforted in knowing that no matter what happens Jesus never changes.

Jesus Ascends Bible Lesson for Children
Jesus disappeared in the clouds, but someday he will appear again to take us to live with him.

Jesus Changes Me from the Inside Out Bible Lesson for Kids
Jesus came to earth and died for us so that we can be forgiven of our sins. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us to change from the inside out

Jesus Turns Water into Wine Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn about how Jesus fixed a problem at a wedding by performing a miracle. Jesus cares about our problems and wants to help us deal with them.

Jesus Walks on Water Bible Lesson
When we keep our eyes on Jesus instead of focusing on our problems, God will give us the strength we need to face our fears.

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers Bible Lesson
It is important to tell Jesus how thankful they are. He likes to be thanked just like we do when we do something special for someone.

Jesus Calms the Storm Bible Lesson
Through the story about Jesus calming the storm, children learn that God is powerful and worthy of praise.

Jesus – I am the Light of the World Bible Lesson
We can’t truly see until we have the light of Jesus. We live in darkness and sin without Jesus in our hearts who is the light of the world.

Jesus is the Missing Piece Bible Lesson
Life without God is like a puzzle with a missing piece — It is incomplete.

Jesus Protects Me Bible Lesson
Jesus is a lot like a policeman; he protects and watches over us. He protects us from our biggest enemy – Satan.

Jesus Makes Me Clean Bible Lesson
Children learn that sin is like a sickness that separates us from God and if we ask God to forgive us, he will forgive or heal us of our sins and make us clean again.

Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Bible Lesson
Anything is possible with God, even things that seem impossible. God loves us, takes care of us, and provides for our needs. He used the lunch of a little boy to feed thousands, and he can use you.

Jesus is the Bread of Life Bible Lesson
Jesus is a lot like bread. We can’t live without it, and we can’t live without Jesus who gives us eternal life.

Jesus Heals the Blind Man Bible Lesson
Jesus healed a man twice in one day. Not only did he heal his eyes, but he also healed his heart.

*Jesus Heals the Blind Man Bible Lesson
There are two kinds of blindness – physical and spiritual. They learn how Jesus healed a blind man twice in one day.

Joash Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn through King Joash’s example that listening to good advice is important and disregarding it leads to destruction.

John the Baptist Bible Lesson for Kids
God knew John the Baptist before he was born and had a plan for him. God also knows you and has a special job for you.

Even when bad things happen to us or our families, we should continue to trust in God. Sometimes, God allows bad things to happen so that we can grow in our faith. Sometimes, they result from sin (ours or someone else’s), sometimes because we didn’t heed warnings, and sometimes from the devil.

Even when bad things happen to us, we should continue to trust in God. Sometimes, God allows bad things to happen so that we can grow in our faith. Sometimes, they are a result of sin (ours or someone else’s), sometimes they are because we didn’t hear warnings, and sometimes they are from the devil. We may never know why we suffer, but we must still trust God.

Jonah and the Whale Bible Lesson
You can’t hide anything from God. When you do something wrong, instead of trying to forget about it or hiding from it, God wants you to tell him about it, and to ask him for forgiveness.

Joseph – A Very Colorful Story Bible Lesson
God can take a bad situation and turn it into something good. God will never leave you no matter what happens or how you act.

Joseph’s Special Ability – Dream Bible Lesson
God gave Joseph special abilities to help people. God has given each of them special abilities that he wants them to use to help others.

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho Bible Lesson
Through the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho, children learn God is all-powerful. He keeps his promises.

Joshua – Grasshoppers and Giants Bible Lesson
When we feel like grasshoppers in a world of giants we should remember everything that God has done for us. He will give us the strength to deal with our fears and problems.

Joshua – Obey Your Leaders Bible Lesson
God gives us leaders to protect and guide us. We should listen and obey them.

Joshua – We Will Serve the Lord Bible Lesson
Crafts and learning activities to reinforce Joshua 24:15

Joshua – Can Do Kids Bible Lesson
Joshua trusted God. He believed that he could do anything with God’s help. God wants them to be like Joshua, to be “Can-do kids.”

Josiah – The Forgotten Promise Bible Lesson
God wants us to obey his words. We must study God’s words daily in order to remember and obey them. Josiah renewed his promise to God to obey his words.

Joy – Bucket – Spread the Joy! Bible Lesson
We all have a place inside of us that needs love. If we don’t receive love, we feel empty and sad. Receiving love from others can bring us joy, but giving it away can bring us even more joy. No matter how much love we receive from others and how much we give away, only Jesus’ love can fill us up.