Bible Lessons W – Index
Watchdog Bible Lessons – Work for the Lord Tabernacle Bible Lesson – Complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, active Bible games, and Bible lesson review games for children’s ministry and Sunday School.

Series of five Bible lessons for children about watching over our tongues, backbiting, saying mean things, whining, and lying.

Children learn through the Bible story of Elijah and the widow that God gives us everything we need.

Wise – Be Wise Bible Lesson Owl Theme
Receiving good grades and studying in school is important, but wisdom and understanding come from God.

Wise and Foolish Builders Lessons
When we listen to God and follow His commands we will be rewarded for our obedience, but if we don’t listen to God and do what we want instead, we will suffer the consequences.

*Wise Men Search for Jesus
The wise men gave gifts to Jesus to honor him. We can also give gifts to Jesus today to show him how much we love him.

Woman – The Woman at the Well Bible Lesson
It does not matter where a person worships or what they call themselves. It only matters how they worship. Your worship must be spiritual and real.

*Woman – The Woman at the Well Bible Lesson for Older Children
It does not matter where a person worships or what they call themselves. It only matters how they worship. Your worship must be spiritual and real.

Word – Thy Word is a Lamp Bible Lesson
God’s word directs us in the way we should live our lives. When we follow God’s direction our paths lead to a happy life.

Words Martin’s Big Words
The Story of Martin Luther King
Children learn about the power of God’s words and how Martin Luther King, Jr. used words to change a bad situation.

Words Martin Luther King Jr. Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn about the power of God’s words and how Martin Luther King, Jr. used words to change a bad situation.

Words *Seeds of Faith Bible Lesson for Kids
God’s words are like seeds. If we plant them in our hearts, they will grow into something beautiful. We will grow to be more like Jesus every day.

Words – Soul Food Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn that feeding your soul with God’s words is much more important than feeding your body.

Words Control Your Tongue Bible Lesson
Children learn how to let Jesus’ love shine through them by saying helpful, kind words and not mean or hurtful words. They learn how their words affect others and their relationship with God.

Work for the Lord Tabernacle Bible Lesson
Children learn God gives us special abilities and wants us to use our talents to work for him. God wants us to work hard at whatever we are doing, not for the praise of men, but of the Lord.