L Bible Lessons

Bible Lessons L – Index

Lazarus, Jesus Raises Lazarus Bible Lesson – The Love Letter Bible Lesson  – Including complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games.

Lazarus Bible Lesson

Lazarus – Jesus Raises Lazarus Bible Lesson for Children

Children learn Jesus brought glory to God by raising Lazarus from the dead. He proved that he was the Son of God.

ABC, I Believe Homeschool Bible Lesson

Light Attracted to the Light
Underwing Moth Lesson

Children learn about Underwing moths and how they are attracted to lights. Jesus called himself the light of the world and want us to be a light to the world also.

Light of the World Bible Lesson

Light – I Am the Light of the World Bible Lesson for Children

Children learn we live in darkness and sin and we can’t truly see until we have the light of Jesus.

God's Love is Solid Like a Rock Bible Lesson

Love God’s Love is Solid Like a Rock Bible Lesson for Kids

Children learn we can count on God to keep his promises, to always be there for us. God’s love is never changing and long-lasting. 

Inchworm Bible Lesson

Love Inchworm – God’s Love
Bible Lesson for Kids

Children learn there is one thing that we can’t measure –God’s love. There is nothing to compare to his love.

Love Is Bible Lesson

Love Is Bible Lesson for Sunday School

Children learn what it means to love. The Bible tells us all about love and how we should treat others. 

The Love Letter Bible Lesson

Love – The Love Letter Bible Lesson for Older Children

Children learn the Bible’s message of love is meant for everyone at all times. Love comes from God and if you love others and are kind, it shows that you are children of God.