K Bible Lessons

Bible Lessons K – Index

Kindness, Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson – King Solomon, Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lesson  – Including complete interactive Bible lessons for children kindergarten through fifth grade including opening activities, easy Bible crafts for all ages, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games.

Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness and Kindness

Kindness Fruit of the Spirit Goodness and Kindness

Children learn through the example of Dorcas how to be good and kind. 

King Joash Bible Lesson

King Joash Bible Lesson for Children’s Church

Children learn through King Joash’s example that listening to good advice is important and disregarding it leads to destruction.

Kingsnake Bible Lesson - ABC, I Believe

Kingsnake Jesus King of Kings Bible Lesson

Children learn through the example of the Kingsnake that people sometimes do the wrong thing because they don’t understand what they are doing.

King of Kings Christmas Lesson - Younger

King of Kings Christmas Bible Lesson for Sunday School

Children learn that Jesus is the King of Kings. He didn’t live like a king but proved how much he loved us by becoming like us and dying for us so that we could join him in his kingdom.

King of Kings Bible Lesson

*King of Kings Christmas Bible Lesson- Older Children

Children learn Jesus is the King of Kings. They can become part of the kingdom of God by trusting Him and accepting his as their savior.

Wise King Solomon Bible Lesson

King Solomon Wise King Solomon Bible Lesson

Children learn that getting good grades and studying in school will make them smart, but that wisdom and understanding come from respecting and obeying God.

Wise and Foolish Builders - King Solomon Bible Lesson

King Solomon Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Lesson

Children learn God blessed Solomon with great wisdom and riches and chose him to build the first temple because He was pleased with him.