Bible Lessons G – Index
Gideon, Brave and Mighty Bible Lesson – Creativity Elements of Design Bible Lessons – Complete Bible lessons for children including opening activities, interactive lessons, Bible crafts, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games. Use these lessons for children from kindergarten through fifth grade.

Gideon – Brave and Might Bible Lesson for Children
You don’t have to be big and strong to serve the Lord. God will give you the strength and power you need to serve him.

Gideon Fights the Mean Men of Midian Bible Lesson
You don’t have to be big and strong to serve the Lord. God will give you the strength and power you need to serve him.

Godly Characteristics Finding Treasure Bible Lesson
That the students would understand what they presently treasure most and seek to make Christ their real treasure.

Godly Characteristics, Follow God’s Example Bible Lesson
We learn many things by following examples (or copying others). God wants us to follow his example in everything we do.

Godly Characteristics, *Following in His Footsteps Lesson
Children learn that Jesus is our example – by following in his steps, they will become more and more like him.

Godly Characteristics, Keys to a Happy Heart Bible Lesson
The happiness we feel when we get new things only lasts for a short while, but the happiness that comes from Jesus continues to grow in our hearts as we get to know Him better and better.

God’s Love is Solid Like a RocK Bible Lesson for Kids
God’s love is never changing and long-lasting. We can count on God to keep his promises, to always be there for us, and to never change. He is not like people who make mistakes; we can always depend on him.

God – What He has Done, God Our Father Bible Lesson
This lesson teaches children what their heavenly father is like and encourages them to show their earthly fathers honor and appreciation.

God – What He has Done
Hen Under His Wings
God protects us like a mother bird protects her chicks. We don’t have to be afraid because we can trust in him.

God Can See Everything
X-ray Fish Bible Lesson
God can see everything; he knows everything about us, he sees what we look like on the outside and the inside, and he knows what we are thinking and how we feel. He sees us when we are mad or sad. He sees everything we do, knows everything we think, and loves us anyway.

Golden Rule Do Unto Others Bible Lesson for Children
Don’t point out the faults of others; instead, you look at your own life and try to see where you do not measure up. Jesus gave us a rule to follow that will help us to keep our lives on track. It is called The Golden Rule – “Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Good Samaritan, My Helping Hands Bible Lesson
Children learn that God created them to do good works. They can use their amazing hands to glorify God by doing good works and praising him.

Good Shepherd Bible Lesson for Children
God is like a good shepherd: He knows, leads, protects, and keeps us from harm.

The Great Commission Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
Children learn about The Great Commission and how Jesus gave his disciples the most important assignment they ever had.

The Great Commission, Billy Graham Bible Lesson
God gives each of us special talents that we can use to serve him and others.

The Great Commission, Dorcas Serves Others Bible Lesson
Children learn how Dorcas served God by serving the poor and the widows in her town. Her acts of kindness spread throughout her city and still influence Christians today.

The Great Commission, George Washington Carver, Man of God
Children can learn from George Washington Carver how God can use us for his glory if we put our trust in him and make him the center of our lives.

The Great Commission, Go Fish Fishers of Men Lesson
Children learn what it means to be a “fisher of men” and are given examples of how to “fish for men.”

The Great Commission, I Can Be a Missionary Bible Lesson
Children learn what it means to be a missionary. They learn how they can be missionaries in their neighborhoods

Growing in God’s Garden, Everlasting Flowers Bible Lesson
God’s love is everlasting. He never changes, and we can always count on him. He is ready to forgive us when we call on him.

Growing in God’s Garden,
Forget-Me-Not Flowers Lesson
Children learn that when they have problems, they should think about everything God has done, meditate on his goodness, talk about it with others, and praise God for who he is and what he has done.

Growing in God’s Garden, Morning Glory Bible Lesson
All of creation glorifies God, and we should glorify him too. The beautiful morning glory flower has a perfect name because it glorifies God in the morning. When seeing the morning glory glorify God, we can be reminded to glorify God in the morning. It is good to praise the Lord.

It is exciting to get new things and to be successful, but it is important to remember that everything we have comes from God, and we should honor him by giving to others who are in need. Greed is putting too much importance on your possessions, and not on your relationships with God and others.

Growing in God’s Garden, Sunflower Bible Lesson
Sunflowers are beautiful flowers that stand out because of their size and bright colors. Jesus can be compared to a sunflower. He lived a life that stood out among all others. He showed us how to live by the fruits of the Spirit and planted the seeds of those fruits in our hearts. When the fruit of the Spirit grows in us, we become more like Jesus and glorify God.