Bible Lessons F – Index
Fall Bible Lesson – Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lessons – Bible lessons for kids including opening activities, interactive lessons, Bible crafts, Bible verse review games, printable activity sheets, Bible coloring sheets, and Bible lesson review games. Use these lessons for children from kindergarten through fifth grade.

Fall Happy Harvest! – Reap What You Sow Bible Lesson
Don’t stop doing good because when the time is right, you will receive a reward if you don’t give up. So do good whenever you can, especially to other believers. You will reap what you sow.

Family God Gives Us Families
Moses, Miriam, and Aaron Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn that God gives us families to help us, protect us, and teach us. We can learn how to love like God wants us to love through our families.

Father’s Day, God Our Father Bible Lesson for Kids
This lesson teaches children what their heavenly father is like and encourages them to show their earthly fathers honor and appreciation.
![Forgiveness - a Father's Day Lesson for Sunday School and Children's Ministry, Including Bible Crafts, Games, songs, and Bible Verse Review Activities, Bible Verse:
“Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37b, Scripture Reference:
Genesis 37 – 50 Genesis 37: 3 – “Now Israel [Jacob] loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age…”, I Will Forgive Necklace, Joseph and His Brothers Craft Sheet, Jacob’s Sons Folding Craft Stick Craft, Read Hop on Pop, Guess Who” to Learn the Names of All Jacob’s Sons, Jacob’s Sons Match Game, Weighed Down by Unforgiveness Object Lesson,,,,, danielsplace,com,,,,](
Father’s Day *Forgiveness
Jacob and Joseph
Through Jacob’s example, children learn to feel gratitude to our Father in Heaven for His great love for us.

Fighting Beware of the Dogs
Psalm 26:17 Bible Lesson
Don’t get involved in someone else’s fight, or you may be sorry. And don’t get others involved in your fights.

Fisher’s of Men Bible Lesson Go Fish Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn what it means to be a “fisher of men” and are given examples of how to “fish for men.”

Fisher’s of What Bible Lesson for Older Children
In this lesson, children learn the difference between fishermen and “fishers of men.” They learn that Jesus has provided us with the right equipment to become good “fishers of men.”

Food Jesus is the Bread of Life
Taste and See Bible Lesson
Jesus is a lot like bread. We can’t live without it, and we can’t live without Jesus, who gives us eternal life.

Food Soul Food Bible Lesson for Children’s Ministry
In this lesson, children learn that feeding your soul with God’s words is much more important than feeding your body.

Food Taste and See that the
Lord is Good Bible Lesson
Children learn that the Bible is like a cookbook. The Bible gives us directions on how to live a good life, just like a recipe gives us directions on how to make good food.

Friends David and Jonathan
Giving Bible Lesson
Children learn from David and Jonathan how to be good friends. Good friends show their love for each other by giving. They can give them things, but they can also provide them with love, understanding, forgiveness, time, and kind words.

Friends Honor Each Other Bible Lesson for Children
Children learn what it means to honor someone. They learn how to honor their friends; and that Jesus showed honor to us by giving us the most priceless gift of all, his life.

Friends Ladybug Friends Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Ladybugs are helpful insects. People like to see them around because they know they can help save their plants from being destroyed by aphids. Jesus also helped many people. He was sent to save the world. We should follow Jesus’ and the ladybug’s example. We should be ladybug friends.

Friends Let the Sun Shine Through Bible Lesson for Kids
Children learn how they can let Jesus’ love shine through them by saying helpful, kind words and not saying mean or hurtful words. They learn how their words affect others, themselves, and their relationship with God.

Friends Mosquitoes What Kind of Friend Are You Bible Lesson
Children learn that true friends are helpful, not harmful. We can use our mouths to hurt people just like mosquitoes do. Words can be even more hurtful than a mosquito bite.

Friends Ruth and Naomi
Friends Stick Together
The children learn that friends stick together in bad times and good times. Naomi realized that God hadn’t forgotten her at all. He had given her something even better than family, He had given her a friend.

Freedom He Has Set Me Free Bible Lesson for Kids
Even though we live in a country that allows us great freedom, we are not truly free until we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. We are free when we choose to serve God and make him our master.

Fruit of the Spirit Lessons Series for Children Series of Lessons
You don’t have to worry. You can be at peace knowing that God cares about you.