Bible Crafts E Earth Day “Our Earth, Dress It and Keep It” Badges “Dress It and Keep It” Collage Poster Color-By-Number Picture Easter/Palm Sunday – Preschool Moveable Sad and Happy Mary Picture Resurrection Paper Plate Craft Puppet Easter Interactive Craft Folded Paper Game Easter Color Sheet Easter Textured Lamb Coloring Sheet Jelly Bean Poem and Frame Easter Craft Decorate a Picture of a Cross Colors of Easter Coloring Sheet Colors of Easter Craft Jesus Ascending to Heaven Paper Cup Craft Jesus Ascends Picture He Lives! 3D Easter Display Craft Easter – Primary Blooming Flower Layered Easter Calvary Picture Easter Windsock Craft Heart Cross Craft Silver Duct Tape 3D Cross Craft Stained Glass Window Cross Egg-Shaped Easter Story Book Craft Easter Story Book Craft Ebenezer Stone “My Ebenezer Stone” Craft Ebenezer Stone Craft Ecclesiastes 3 – A Time for Everything Clock Picture with Moving Hands To Every Thing, there is a Season Mary Anoints Jesus Paper Craft Elijah Elijah and the Raven Paper Bird Puppets Giving Raven Picture of a Raven Feeding Elijah “Four Little Ravens” Printable Book Sitting Raven Holding a Sign Craft Bird Hand Puppet Help the Raven Find Elijah Activity Sheet Elijah Bible Cookbook Elijah and the Widow Decorate a Napkin to Place in a Breadbasket Kneading Bread Bible Cookbook with Recipes Elijah and the Widow Coloring Sheet Elijah – God Brings Rain Elijah’s Altar Elijah Picture Wheel Flame Craft Elijah Coloring Sheet Elijah and Elisha “An Angel Helps Elijah” Color Sheet “God Gives Us Friends” Coloring Sheet Elijah Picture Story Wheel God Gives Us Friends Picture Great Teacher Awards Whirlwind Craft Elijah Whirlwind Craft Esther Noisemakers Queen Esther and King Ahasuerus Paper Dolls King and Queen Crown Crafts Golden Scepters Esther and King Xerxes Craft Ezekiel Dry Bones Activity Sheet Pasta Skeleton Craft Dry Bones Moveable Skeleton Craft “Jesus Makes Our Bones Come Alive” Craft Stick Plaque Dancing Bones Necklace